Health Benefits of an Aquarium
Health Benefits of an Aquarium
June 2013
Not feeling 100%?
Stressed? Anxious? Not sleeping well? Perhaps insomnia?
Been to the doctor lately? Blood pressure’s skyrocketing?
Well have you ever thought that the answer to your problems is an aquarium? Perhaps not. Whatever your problems may be, gazing at the enchanting utopia of an aquarium will do wonders!
Big or small, short or tall, studies have shown that Aquariums are beneficial for your health, including physical, mental and emotional. We all know how great eating fish is for us, but who would have ever thought just watching and gazing at them would play such an important role in our health!
Researchers have stated that stress is significantly decreased, fear and anger are reduced and happy pleasant feelings are increased from as little as five minutes contact with an aquarium.
No wonder you’re likely to have seen fish tanks, as some point in time, on display when you were waiting for that dental check up!
Not only do they decorate our rooms and look amazing, they make you smile, they make you laugh, and what could be better than that? You’ll start to notice how much more positive your attitude is just by being around one. Watching the calm motions of fish in their aquatic lifestyles is wonderfully therapeutic. Our hectic lives need and deserve the company of these beautiful creatures in their aquaria, both freshwater and saltwater. So serene and so peaceful, they have such an amazing calming effect and help us cope with our hectic everyday lives.
They’re hypnotizing and so entertaining to watch. Offering unconditional love and companionship, they make us feel secure, accepted, wanted and needed. The bond you can have with these underwater creatures can bring great joy and fun into your place, whatever the age. Children and adults alike love them!
Research shows that children who suffer from hyperactivity disorder are calmed and are engaged by these stunning and fascinating ecosystems. Dental patients required less pain medication. Seniors with Alzheimer’s stayed at the table longer, ate more, required fewer supplements and displayed less physically aggressive behaviours. In the workplace, studies were taken that show high blood pressure was significantly reduced, employees interacted better with each other, they were happier, more motivated, healthier, creative and productive at work. An aquarium brings so much happiness, joy, balance and positivity into ones life.
According to the law of Feng Shui, the presence and movement of water is believed to bring wealth, prosperity and good fortune into a place. Feng Shui educators insist on having an aquarium in the home and the office because water is brought in. Water being one of the five elements of earth, it is said to create tranquility and harmony and generate positive energy.
There are so many nutritional and wonderful aquarium health benefits that come out of owning one. What better way to free your every day stresses and challenges and get you back on track to better health and happiness!
For more information give us a call on 020 777 12345 or email us at
Health Benefits of an Aquarium
Not feeling 100%?
Stressed? Anxious? Not sleeping well? Perhaps insomnia?
Been to the doctor lately? Blood pressure’s skyrocketing?
Well have you ever thought that the answer to your problems is an aquarium? Perhaps not. Whatever your problems may be, gazing at the enchanting utopia of an aquarium will do wonders!
Big or small, short or tall, studies have shown that Aquariums are beneficial for your health, including physical, mental and emotional. We all know how great eating fish is for us, but who would have ever thought just watching and gazing at them would play such an important role in our health!
Researchers have stated that stress is significantly decreased, fear and anger are reduced and happy pleasant feelings are increased from as little as five minutes contact with an aquarium.
No wonder you’re likely to have seen fish tanks, as some point in time, on display when you were waiting for that dental check up!
Not only do they decorate our rooms and look amazing, they make you smile, they make you laugh, and what could be better than that? You’ll start to notice how much more positive your attitude is just by being around one. Watching the calm motions of fish in their aquatic lifestyles is wonderfully therapeutic. Our hectic lives need and deserve the company of these beautiful creatures in their aquaria, both freshwater and saltwater. So serene and so peaceful, they have such an amazing calming effect and help us cope with our hectic everyday lives.
They’re hypnotizing and so entertaining to watch. Offering unconditional love and companionship, they make us feel secure, accepted, wanted and needed. The bond you can have with these underwater creatures can bring great joy and fun into your place, whatever the age. Children and adults alike love them!
Research shows that children who suffer from hyperactivity disorder are calmed and are engaged by these stunning and fascinating ecosystems. Dental patients required less pain medication. Seniors with Alzheimer’s stayed at the table longer, ate more, required fewer supplements and displayed less physically aggressive behaviours. In the workplace, studies were taken that show high blood pressure was significantly reduced, employees interacted better with each other, they were happier, more motivated, healthier, creative and productive at work. An aquarium brings so much happiness, joy, balance and positivity into ones life.
According to the law of Feng Shui, the presence and movement of water is believed to bring wealth, prosperity and good fortune into a place. Feng Shui educators insist on having an aquarium in the home and the office because water is brought in. Water being one of the five elements of earth, it is said to create tranquility and harmony and generate positive energy.
There are so many nutritional and wonderful aquarium health benefits that come out of owning one. What better way to free your every day stresses and challenges and get you back on track to better health and happiness!
For more information give us a call on 020 777 12345 or email us at